Our Book of Remembrance

The Miscarriage Association of Ireland have a specially commissioned Book of Remembrance in which to commemorate babies lost through miscarriage. To lose your baby through miscarriage can mean you have little or nothing to mark the presence of the baby in your life. A big fear can be that other people will forget your baby because you only have memories and no mementoes. Having this book will change that for recently or long ago bereaved.

A separate entry may be made for each baby. The baby’s name, date to remember (date the baby died or date baby was due to be born), and who the baby is remembered by may be entered in the Book together with special thoughts. The special thought might be a sentence or a short verse of a poem written in memory of the baby (as space is limited we would ask that this be no more than 4 lines). Those who make entries into the book will be given a Remembrance Certificate showing the page their baby’s record is entered on so that in the future other family members will be able to access the information. This means that these precious babies can be included in the family tree.

Those who are not able to complete the Book in person can complete the online form below or alternatively you can email the details you would like to have entered in the Book of Remembrance to bor@miscarriage.ie  Please include your name and address in the email so that your Remembrance Certificate can be forwarded to you.

Book of Remembrance Entry Form

    Once your entry has been made in the Book, a Remembrance Certificate will be forwarded to you. The Book of Remembrance will be on display at any event where The Miscarriage Association of Ireland is represented.